Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is always an exciting time for the students and they were really looking forward to this day. We had a fun Halloween Party planned, but first we had to make it through a spelling test, vocabulary test, math lesson, writing assignment, and the sharing of their Halloween stories that they wrote! The students didn't seem to mind the work because they new of the fun that was going to happen after lunch; the School Parade and the Halloween Party!

Nearly all students that showed up to class this day, wore their Halloween costumes! It was a lot of fun, and while out on Bus Duty, I had a hard time recognizing some of the students because their faces were painted and their hair was WILD & C-R-A-Z-Y CRAZY!


Pumpkin Bowling:

Doughnuts on a String:

Ping-Pong EYEBALL Toss:

Creepy Stories to Tell in the Dark:

I want to thank my mom helpers for volunteering your time in helping make this day fun and memorable for the students. Thanks so much! I appreciate all that you do.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Field Trip to Staheli Farm

The entire fourth grade got to visit Staheli Farm. They learned about bees, soil, how long it takes to make a pizza (growing the vegetables), farm safety, and taking care of cows and what we use them for. They also got to pet a few of the animals in the petting zoo, they seemed to really enjoy that.

The Bee Keeper:

Soil Trivia:

Pizza Clock:

Petting Zoo:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Vocabulary Hats!

As a fourth grade, we decided to have the students choose one of thier vocabulary words of the year, that they dont' know, and have to design a hat that matches the definition of that word. We then had a little parade through the fourth grade classrooms for the students to show off their creations. It was a fun activity and the students got real creative with their hats.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Journey Through the Water Cycle

Part of the fourth grade core curriculum is learning about the Water Cycle. After three days of learning about the water cycle, the students became a water droplet and went on their own journey through the water cycle. There were nine stations set up around the room that were places where a drop of water would end up. The stations were: animal, plant, river, lake, ocean, groundwater, soil, clouds, and snow. At each station the students rolled dice and depending on the number they rolled would determine that water cycle process they went through and what station they would rotate to next. There was a colored bead that represented each station that the students collected, and after about ten minutes of journeying through the water cycle, the students gathered their information and wrote a story about their journey. No journey was the same, and often times the students stayed in one station for multiple turns, representing that it may take a long time for water to evaporate from the ocean but it eventually will because the water cycle never ends. Ask your students about this activity and their own journey through the water cycle.